Looking for a hardcore lifting buddy
Posts: 5
I'm looking for a lifting buddy. I live in Makati and go to the Anytime Fitness in Paseo Center Mall. I go to the gym minimum 4 days a week for 1.5-2 hours of no-rest lifting early morning M-F, sometimes evenings. I can train anytime on weekends.
I'm from Canada, new to Manila. I've been lifting for about 5 years. I used to be a powerlifter but am bodybuilding now.
6 feet 1 inches, 105 kg. Looking to lose 10-15 kg of fat and continue to put more muscle on.
If you are interested in some hardcore lifting in Makati, let me know.
Alternatively, if there is a true hardcore gym in Manila, I can go there on weekends. Anytime Fitness doesn't have the best lifting equipment...
Hi Gene, hope this reply still gets to you. haha.
Living in Makati as well and works out at Anytime Eton along Rufino and dela Rosa streets.
Message me if you still need a buddy.
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