Eat more, die young: Why eating a diet very low in nutrients can extend lifespan

StannisStannis Posts: 1,377
A new evolutionary theory claims that consuming a diet very low in nutrients can extend lifespan in laboratory animals, a finding which could hold clues to promoting healthier aging in humans. Scientists have known for decades that severely restricted food intake reduces the incidence of diseases of old age, such as cancer, and increases lifespan. The most widely accepted theory is that this effect evolved to improve survival during times of famine.


  • CoreCore Posts: 2,509
    Interesting share there...

    [size=large]"But we think that lifespan extension from dietary restriction is more likely to be a laboratory artefact,"[/size]

    Lifespan extension is unlikely to occur in the wild, because dietary restriction compromises the immune system's ability to fight off disease and reduces the muscle strength necessary to flee a predator.

    "Unlike in the benign conditions of the lab, most animals in the wild are killed young by parasites or predators,"

    "Since dietary restriction appears to extend lifespan in the lab by reducing old-age diseases, it is unlikely to have the same effect on wild animals, which generally don't live long enough to be affected by cancer and other late-life pathologies."[align=right][size=x-small]Source:[/size][/align]
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