
Big Dawg

Big Dawg


Big Dawg
Last Active


  • You've been lifting for only a year - you have MUCH more gains to come. Sure the gains come more slowly and is more difficult as you mention. But you can't expect to keep making them monstrous gains workout to workout as you have in the beginning - …
  • Getting sick sucks for sure - good luck on a fast recovery bro. You look great at that weight - I'm guessing within 10-12 lbs of stage weight.
  • (Quote) LOL @ abs! :p The pullover machine is very hard to find these days, even in the US. One of the gyms I hit regularly back in the US did have it, and I used it every back workout. Complete lat isolation, hitting them from full stretch to co…
  • (Quote) What are you weighing in those pics bro? You don't look too far off. Good luck! :)
  • Wow you have access to a pullover machine - I'm jealous haha! Is it like the old school Nautilus pullover machine? If so, that type of machine fits the exact function of the lats - biomechanically speaking - and is about the only lat exercise one ca…
  • Lookin' jacked sir Vinch! Keep up the good work! :sport:
  • (Quote) Lookin' great bro! Helluva transformation from when you was so bulky. Feels good being able to see the muscles in action eh? That's why I tell many guys who always want to bulk that they don't know what they are missing - can't flex fat ha…
  • I've been taking Flagyl antibiotic to kick that gastro infection I had. It has worked well. I dropped from 240 to 232 in the 2 weeks I had it. Alot of water lost of course from the diarrhea, but also some muscle & fat loss from eating very littl…
    in Big Dawg Comment by Big Dawg May 2014
  • You will gain much more if you cut waaaayyy down on the volume and focus more on intensity. I mean 35 sets for chest, 7 exercises for triceps, 2 exercises for quads?? Routine needs an overhaul if you are really serious about gains.
  • Thanks for the feedback fellas. Yeah it's going on 2 weeks and I still have it. I guess I picked up some bacteria or parasite and need to go see the doc this week to find out exactly what it is and how to get rid of it.
  • Lookin' good Allen! Keep up the good work dude! :sport:
  • (Quote) Well you are right indeed my friend! One small secret that the biggest benchers in the world use is squeezing the hell out of the bar when benching. I have always done this on ALL pressing movements, benching, inclines, db's, militaries, et…
  • (Quote) Hahaha - ok I think I understand the confusion bro. I just looked how you edited your post and you are calling "close grip" a "conventional grip". I think most people seeing your most see's "close grip" as wit…
  • Perhaps you mean to be asking does one prefer to use a thumbless grip or a conventional grip bro. The reason I say that is, one can use thumbless grip on close, medium or wide grip on bench press. Whenever using free weights on any type of barbell …
  • (Quote) Of course nutrition & rest need to be on time, as I alluded to in my post. When I speak of assistance exercises, I don't mean alot of cables, machines, pussy stuff like that. I mean the other Mac Daddy exercises that pack on the muscle…
  • Awesome pec structure bro! Wide, sweeping pecs that attach in the middle with no gap at all - you can thank God for those pec genetics. :)
  • Lookin' lean & dense sir Milk!
  • Hey Riddler, just want to chime in and let you know that you do not need any so-called "labeled" program". All you have to do is remember two words to make continual progress - progressive resistance. That's it. If you continually try…
  • Lookin' great bro! No way you are 15%! Yeah can't see the abs or quads, but based on the leaness & defintion in your pecs, delts, traps and arms I'd say 10-12%. If you got the same fat% & BMI test that you got before that had you at 22% a fe…
  • What's everybodies take on the Pac-Bradley rematch? I'm looking for Pac to KO him in round 4 or 5. He pissed Pac off bigtime by saying Pac doesn't have the killer instinct anymore. Let's get ready to rummmbbbuuullllllllllllllllllllll! Get some!!! h…
  • Kick ass sir V - like I said, pulling 6 plates on T-bars is solid as hell for anybody, not to mention doing so at your bdwt. Keep up the good work brutha - you are an inspiration to many! :sport:
  • Salamat fellas! :sport: :)
    in Big Dawg Comment by Big Dawg April 2014
  • Wow 270 on T-bar rows! Don't think I ever seen a guy weighing only 180'ish pulling 6 plates on T-bars - and natty to boot! Yo Vinch I believe I gotta journey to Manila sometime to witness this haha! Just curious, what kind of T-bars are you doing? …
  • Hit delts/traps/tri's yesterday.... Smith military press - 225 x 11, 255 x 7, 185 x 15 side db laterals - 40's x 15, 50's x 10 drop 40's x 8 drop 25's x 15 rear delt machine - 130 x 15, 145 x 12, 160 x 8 Smith shrugs - 315 x 20, 405 x 12, 455 x 8 …
    in Big Dawg Comment by Big Dawg April 2014
  • Let's see some pics at 225 dude! :sport:
  • Lookin' jacked as usual bro - keep up the good work! :sport:
  • Yeah I bet you stay busy bigtime as a PT - they see those sick traps and be like "Yeah i want that dude to train me" haha! :sport:
  • (Quote) Mostly water weight. I wouldn't keep losing at that rate or you sacrafice losing alot of hard earned muscle too bro. Are you cutting, or just too busy to eat haha?
  • Peeled bro! Checked out your vid on your other post - you playin' with them 100's on incline - props! :sport:
  • Arms today..... barbell curl - 3 x 8-12/110-130 seated incline db curls - 2 x 8-10/50's spider curls - 2 x 15/50 pushdowns - 2 x 10-12/170-190 skullcrushers - 3 x 8-12/120-150 single arm reverse grip pushdowns - 2 x 12-15/50-60 standing behind th…
    in Big Dawg Comment by Big Dawg March 2014