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  • (Quote) Diet is harder than workout. I'm not surprised on that PT, they'll typically just make you use machines.
  • (Quote) Not sure, but don't think so, I think that's mostly fat.  If you drink water excessively, you just pee it out anyway. (Quote) That's why full body workouts consisting of compound exercises are recommended for ectomorphs.  Here's info on …
  • (Quote) That's why I make a protein and carbohydrate drink of 1 scoop hydrolyzed whey, about 50g maltodextrin and dextrose, and 5g BCAA. I take it before, during, and after a workout. If you look at the link, it's better than just taking BCAA. I…
  • The reason workouts are limited to an hour or less is because the body releases the hormone cortisol after 45 mins. of intense activity.  Cortisol breaks down muscle to turn it into energy because the body thinks it needs more energy for survival. …
  • Have you seen pro boxers go to sauna or do cardio to meet the weigh in before a fight? They do that to sweat to loose weight. As for a normal guy going to a gym, di naman bawal uminom. Haven't you experienced or seen anyone wanting to drink water…
  • (Quote) FYI, the fact that you're thin means hindi ka pa malakas kumain. You might already eat a lot more than other people around you, but if they have a slower metabolism and/or more sedentary lifestyle then they have a different definition of m…
  • (Quote) For creatine to work you have to do the loading phase first or it takes a month to saturate your muscles if you just take maintenance. You also need to drink more water as the creatine absorbs the water. Like mentioned, the fancier brands…
  • (Quote) Rice can only be converted to energy or fat.  Since I doubt you want to gain weight in fat you should eat more meat instead.  Whenever someone is told to eat more and they reply "but I already add extra rice in my meals" I facepalm…
  • Use a barbell instead of dumbbells. The weight gets balanced between the two arms with a barbell, whereas with dumbbells the stronger arm ends up finishing faster. Take note it will take time for your weaker arm to develop and catch up. It will f…
  • I would suggest you go for the Starting Strength program. It's been around a long time and plenty of people have reported success with it. Except do rows instead of power clean unless you have a coach that can teach you that properly. For ectomor…
  • Thanks for the welcome, will work on the journal later. Mukhang matatagalan ako sa pagsulat nun.
    in New here Comment by cramnhoj April 2015
  • How sweet is your whey protein? If it's sweet enough to give you a blood sugar spike, that would explain the tiredness you feel afterwards.