Getting back on track

I suppose this would be my formal introduction to the community. Anyway, my name is ExaBite.

Personal Record for major lifts:
*Deadlifts: 450 lbs
*Squats: 400 lbs
*Bench Press: 250 lbs (I’m stucked to this since I’m suffering from a rotator cuff injury)
*Power Clean: 280 lbs
Note: 1 Rep Max.

My weight = 78 kg/ age= 19/ height = 181 cm/ body fat: 22%
BMI: Normal

Those numbers above sadly was my previous lifts last year of Oct 2011. Due to some unwanted circumstances my current stats (as of now) are here:

Current Personal Stat (Worst, as of 11/23/2012):

*Deadlifts: 200 lbs
*Squats: 200 lbs
*Bench Press: 180 lbs
*Power clean: 100 lbs
Note: 1 Rep Max.

My current as of today (11/24/2012) weight = 89 kg/ age= 20/ height = 181 cm / body fat: 41%
BMI: Overweight


As of today, I’m completely out of shape. My body suffered from serious muscle atrophy. Drivers like strength, explosiveness, endurance, flexibility and alike are slowly deteriorating (I can’t even do 20 good reps of push-ups) as well. Other health issues like hypertension, tension headache are also inflicting some pain in my butt.

It all started last November 2011. I’m still in college and preparing myself to pass the school academic requirements for graduation. I sacrificed half of my training sessions and nutritional plans just to make my thesis to stand out among others. It’s worth sacrificing; I got perfect score in the final rating sheet.
I graduated and look for a job. My body back then was already cracked up. A BPO offered me a job immediately after the interview (since they’re the first company that offered a job, I don’t have a choice to grab the opportunity even it’s against my will).

I worked for this BPO for 8 months. The job was so stressful and boring. I’m literally devouring food during lunch to make myself relaxed after an exhausting phone conversation. Finally, I decided to resign on my present job and get back on track since I’m getting sickly, weak and overweight.

I pretty sure that this community will be a great help to motivate myself more to achieve my goals.

It’s now time for me to bounce back from this deficit. Let's get it on!


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